keep on marketing

Keep On Marketing

After the panic buying of the weekend it feels like the world has gone mad. Yet for the time being it’s business as usual for many of us. So, I wanted to check in and see how business is going for you or if you have been affected by the panic.

Depending on your business model you might be experiencing cancellations already as people become increasingly cautious about attending in person events, meetings or workshops. You might be worried about future cancellations or future drops in sales.

That’s why it’s important to keep on marketing.

Even with self isolation and remote working there are many business functions that can keep operating.

Marketing is one of them.

Here's 5 things you can do keep on marketing during the Corona crisis...

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begin with the end in mind

Begin with the end in mind

If you don't put your destination into your sat nav, it can't give you directions.

Before we work on attracting and converting more customers, we need to keep customers coming back for more.

If our end goal is to build a sustainable business, we need strong foundations.

That’s why I’ve launched RETAIN as my first programme.

Beginning at the end.

What's your end game?

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bowl of cornflakes

Flashback to my very first webinar

As I was tucking into my bowl of cornflakes this morning I had flashback to running my very first webinar back in 2012. I was way out of my comfort zone and feeling like a fool for agreeing to host the online marketing training for our supply partners in the hospitality and healthcare industries. To make matters worse someone from Kellogg’s had registered. That’s right the Kellogg’s of Kellogg’s cornflakes – what could I possibly teach someone from Kellogg's about marketing?! Turns out there was something. The feedback from all attendees was so positive that this one webinar turned into a mini series!

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hands up if you want more customers

Hands up if you want more customers!

This time last year I was at an event and the speaker asked us to put our hands up if we wanted more customers. And the sentiment was that we should all be putting our hands up. That we should all be wanting more new customers. As if new customers is the symbol of a successful business.

But I didn't want any more new customers.

I didn’t put my hand up.

Everyone looked at me like I was a wierdo.

Want to know why I didn’t want any new customers?

Join me in this webinar on Thursday where I’ll reveal all and show you the One Strategy you are Missing to Make More Money with your Marketing.

In this FREE webinar you will learn:

How to make sales without spending a penny on advertising

Forget about throwing tons of cash at Facebook ads in the hope of finding new customers. We'll show you how to use your marketing to make more money.

Where to spend your marketing budget for the most impact

Stop wasting time and money in your business and focus on the marketing activities that will bring you more bang for your buck.

How to maximise the lifetime value of your customers

So you don't have to be reliant on the feast and famine roller coaster of constantly finding new customers for your business.

You can make more money with your marketing

By creating a sustainable business with repeatable, scalable marketing campaigns.

The great thing about webinars is that if you can't join live, there is a replay! So as long as you register, you'll get access to the replay afterwards.

I hope to see you on Thursday or 'see you' on the replay!

I attended Louise's webinar "The One Strategy you are Missing to Make More Money with your Marketing" and it made so much sense and really got to the nitty-gritty of effective marketing. It was something I was already aware of but with all things wasn't implementing. Now I know the facts and figures I will be changing that behaviour! Louise has a great way of explaining things that helps me (as a dyslexic with short-term memory problems) to remember what has been shared."

-Viv, York

The One Strategy you are Missing to Make More Money with your Marketing

When I started my business, I set out on a mission to help 1,000 business do better smarter marketing. Being over halfway to achieving that target I started to realise that a lot of the companies I was working with were making the same mistakes with their marketing. People often come to me when their marketing isn't working. People who are wasting money on Facebook ads, people who are struggling to find new customers. People who feel like they are running flat out on the hamster wheel with little reward for their efforts.

Combined with the number of internet experts who tell us that to be successful we should have large email lists, we should be visible on all the socials, we should have long queues of new customers battering down our doors to buy from us. And if we don't we feel like a failure. You might have even succumbed to buying a course that shows you how to hit these magical heights by following a formula or framework that worked for said expert. Only to find that it didn't work for you, because your business is different. I hear you. I feel your pain.

And I want to tell you that you are not a failure. I am currently working with several companies who do not have huge email lists, who do not have large social media followings, who aren't even actively recruiting new customers. And they are successful. Very successful.

What's their secret?

It's not a secret at all, it's just not sexy and glamorous enough for the internet experts to be clamouring about. And it won't make you internet famous. But it will make you more money.

Last month I hosted a live webinar where I shared this one strategy that businesses are missing to make more money with their marketing. The feedback has been so good, and people are seeing immediate results from making small changes to their marketing from what they learnt on this webinar that I've decided to run it again next week. It's too good to keep to myself and since you missed the first one I wanted to make sure you had another opportunity to join us.

I would love it if you can join me on Thursday at 11am to discover the One Strategy you are Missing to Make More Money with your Marketing.

In this free webinar you will learn:

● How to make sales without spending a penny on advertising
● Where to spend your marketing budget for the most impact
● How to maximise the lifetime value of your customers

The great thing about webinars is that if you can't join live, there is a replay! So as long as you register, you'll get access to the replay afterwards.

Marketing Musings Podcast with Louise Mason

What I’ve learnt helping over 500 business with their marketing

Marketing Musings Episode 32

When I started my business I set out on a mission to help 1,000 business do better smarter marketing. Now I am over halfway to achieving that target and I wanted to share some of my learnings with you. In this episode you will hear about some of the mistakes that companies are making with their marketing and how it’s changing the way I work to help you make more money with your marketing.


Share your thoughts on today’s action in Your Marketing Lounge

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Resources mentioned in this episode

>>Register for the Webinar:The One Strategy you are Missing to Make More Money with your Marketing
>1000 True Fans by Kevin Kelly
>What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith

Other episodes you might be interested in

Episode 1: Be kinder in your marketing
SEO Day 1: One way to dominate Google in 2019
SEO Day 2: Set your SEO benchmark
SEO Day 3: Which keywords is your website ranking for?
SEO Day 4: Finding the right keywords to rank for
SEO Day 5: How to optimise your website for your keywords
SEO Day 6: But aren’t keywords dead?
SEO Day 7: Everything else you need to know about SEO
Episode 30: Marketing for Starting Again

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Marketing Musings Podcast with Louise Mason

Marketing Musings Episode 31

Creating strong consistent messaging for different social media platforms

Join us for today’s podcast episode where I’m answering Sally Duffin’s questions about creating strong consistent messaging for different social media platforms. I asked my Facebook group “what is the biggest marketing challenge you are facing in your business right now?” And I loved this challenge because it specifically mentions tailoring content to different social media platforms. Every social media network is different, Twitter for conversations, Instagram for imagery, LinkedIn for networking and even within Facebook the purpose of business pages personal profiles and groups are different. You don’t want to be posting the same message to all platforms at the same time.

We also explore what makes content relevant to your audience, the benefits of creating evergreen content, how chunking your content into campaigns can help with consistency and the power of repurposing.

What was really interesting for me in this episode is that after 10 yeas of running a nutritional clinic and working with clients 1:1 Sally’s business is pivoting. Just like Juliet in Episode 30 Sally is having a change of direction with her business and brought part b of her question to the table…“How do I send a different message to the audience I’ve already got and hope they don’t leave?” So we get to dig into how much is the core messaging changing, and what it really means if someone wants to leave your community because the content or the service you offer isn’t the right fit for them.


Share your thoughts on today’s action in Your Marketing Lounge

>>Subscribe on iTunes<<

Resources mentioned in this episode

Start a free trial of MissingLettr to start scheduling distribution of your blog posts across social media
Create a free Hootsuite account to start scheduling your social media

Where to find Sally Duffin, Nutrition in York

Sally Duffin Nutrition in York

>Facebook: Nutrition in York
>Facebook Group: Nutrition in York
>LinkedIn: Sally Duffin

Other episodes you might be interested in

>Episode 30: Marketing for Starting Again

Blog posts you might be interested in

>Creating Content that Connects and Converts
>3 Principles of Content Marketing
>7 Things to be

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