No Question is a Silly Question

“No question is a silly question” is my philosophy. When I was studying for my A Levels my dad gave me a piece of advice I’ll never forget. He told me that if I didn’t understand something then the odds were that someone else in the room wouldn’t either. And that if I could be brave and ask the question then I’d be helping someone else too who might not have the confidence to speak up. So without fail in every maths class my arm would shoot up with a question. Read More

Where I’m networking in York in May

I feel like a bit of a networking queen after attending 11 networking events last month. I set myself a visibility objective for the month of April to become known for marketing strategy and to promote my upcoming email marketing workshops. I’m taking it a bit easier this month as I'll be preparing for and running said workshops but I've still got 6 networking events planned so, it’s not like I’m exactly ready to hang up my crown! This is where I will be this month…

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April Wellbeing Meet Up

As a lover of massages, and a fan of alternative, holistic and wellbeing therapies I'm thrilled to be invited as a guest to the York Wellbeing Meet Up this month. And since I love answering marketing questions I'll be taking questions over coffee during the meet up. I've worked with a wide range of wellbeing practitioners including nutritional therapists, massage therapists, aromatherapists, reflexologists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, yoga, Pilates and zumba teachers, reiki masters and other spiritual or healing based business owners. 

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York Pop Up Business Cafe

I'm delighted to be returning as one of the experts at the How's Business Pop Up Business Cafe. I'll be joining 6 other local business experts at The Natural Entrepreneurs Workspace in York on Wednesday 25th April and we'll be on hand to answer questions about Websites, Marketing, Social Media, Raising Finance, Tax & Accountancy, and Business Start-up and Growth.

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York Women Mean Business Award Shortlist

I am delighted to be shortlisted for a York Women Mean Business Celebration Award! York Women Mean Business is a Facebook networking group of over 900 female business owners and entrepreneurs in York – and is growing daily!

The awards are a bit of fun to celebrate some of the amazing women in the group, and I am looking forward to getting together on 10th November at the Pitcher and Piano to cheer all the nominees on -whether I win or not. I am up against some fabulous competition in the Business Support & Services category... But maybe I’ll win the ‘drinks the most prosecco and works in their pj’s’ award! (Seriously – this was a question on the entry form.)

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Expo 17 for Therapists

There's more to running a therapeutic business than just client appointments and keeping your accounts up to date. Expo 2017 brings together a range of professionals that can help you run and grow your business, along with an opportunity to unwind with relaxation sessions and mini treatments. Because we all know how important it is to take care of ourselves first so that we are better placed to take care of our business and our clients. 

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