Grow Your Business with Sponsorship

Have you ever considered growing your business through sponsorship?

I once sponsored an award at an award ceremony, I had a lovely evening presenting the award and dancing the night away in the celebrations afterwards but I can’t say it brought me any new clients.

I also have an idea to launch a Sponsor-a Start-Up programme to secure funding to help people become self-employed and start their first business with 1:1 support when they don’t meet the criteria of government funded schemes.

So, when I heard that the Sponsor Fest virtual summit is happening next week I signed up to learn from a roster of speakers who are doing innovative things when it comes to sponsorship, including one speaker who got a 16 times return on her sponsorship investment!

I love attending events like this to get ideas and inspiration for myself or the businesses I work with. But if you’ve never been to a virtual event you might be wondering how it works. So, I’ve explained it all below.

If you already know you want to a grab a free ticket to Sponsor Fest click on the button to register.

If you want to know more keep reading…

Why Attend Sponsor Fest

If you are curious about exploring sponsorship opportunities to grow your business, whether that's offering sponsorships to drive revenue or investing in sposorships to increase your visibility, generate leads and sales then this is the event for you.

You'll find out:

🤔 Are people actually making money from sponsorship? If so, how?

🤔 How do I know if something is worth sponsoring or not?

🤔 If I do invest in sponsorship, how do I make sure that I get an ROI?

🤔 What’s the difference between sponsorship and plain old advertising?

🤔 How sponsorship can easily be layered onto almost anything you’re already doing in your business

💡 Get inspired to start offering sponsorship, no matter your business model or how you market your offers
💪 Know what steps to take to layer sponsorship on top of something you’re already doing in your business
😎 Feel confident in assessing the ROI potential of a sponsorship opportunity
🧠 Learn how to make the most of the sponsorship opportunities you do decide to invest in

What is a Virtual Summit?

Virtual summits are held online and bring together expert speakers on a specific topic over the course of 1-3 days. In this case Sponsor Fest is running over 3 days with 18 speakers. Oh and did I mention they are usually free to attend!

Are the Talks Live?

The majority of the sessions will be pre-recorded 15-20 minute talks. They’ll be released at a set time and available to watch for 24 hours, when they will then be replaced by the next day’s talks.

Quite often the start time is set based on a US time zone for international audiences. Sponsor Fest will start at midnight PST, which is 8am in the UK.

There will also be two bonus live interactive sessions on Zoom.

Plus there’s a private podcast feed of the talks that will reset at 8am everyday if you prefer audio to video.

Do I Get a Goody Bag?

Yep, it wouldn’t be an event without a swag bag of goodies! Lizzy Goddard is great at hosting online events like this and always puts together an amazing goody bag of freebies from speakers (and sponsors) for all attendees – even with a free ticket. There will be things like online courses, downloadable templates, e-books…

Are There Replays?

All talks are available for 24 hours from 8am to 8am the next day. If you don’t have time to watch all the sessions or want to get access to the recordings to keep then you will have the option of purchasing something like a VIP ticket or an All Access Pass.

The recordings of the live sessions will only be available with a Pass.

Sponsor Fest offers a Fast Pass for $147 -197 with extra action guides and templates included in the virtual swag bag of goodies.

Who is the Host?

Lizzy Goddard is your Sponsor Fest host, she is a multi-offer online business strategist and is always coming up with new innovative ideas.

Why are you promoting SponsorFest?

I’ve attended a few of Lizzy’s online events and the speakers have been amazing, I always come away feeling inspired or with a new nugget of information to apply to my business. And it feels selfish to keep these events to myself. So, I’m trying to share more of the events I’m attending when I know they could help other people too.

Also, because Lizzy asked me to. Her wife broke her leg last week and with 2 children at home, things are not exactly going to plan to promote a large event like SponsorFest. Lizzy asked her community to share the link to register. So I am.

What’s in it for You?

Ok, you got me, I do have an affiliate link. If you register for a free ticket, there is nothing in it for me financially, if you buy a Fast Pass with my link I’ll earn a small affiliate commission. But really all I want you to do is register for a free ticket, watch the talks that appeal to you and apply what you learn to grow your business.

Oh and the next time we talk we’ll be able to geek out on sponsorship ideas together!

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