I am pleased to announce that I have joined forces with Claire Davies – The Greedy Wordsmith to run our 8 week course for business owners looking to create a compelling blog for their business.
We both love empowering business owners at our existing half day workshops and wanted to build on the knowledge we can share with you through additional online learning and support. So, we've created an 8 week course using a blend of online and face to face learning with downloadable worksheets to walk you through every step of the way.

Thinking of writing a blog post as part of your marketing strategy but don’t know where to start?
This 8 week course will walk you through how to create a compelling blog for your business. Delivered through a blend of online learning and a face to face practical workshop this course will create a strong foundation for your business blog and give you ongoing support after the first post has been published.
From understanding your marketing objectives to creating engaging copy that converts, we will help you to take control of your own content marketing strategy to create a compelling blog for your business.
What You Will Learn
● Why you need a blog and how to use it as part of your marketing strategy
● How to write to appeal to your ideal reader
● Setting up a blog - the techy part
● Getting the right tone of voice
● Being brave with content
● Plan your blog posts for the rest of the year
● Review and feedback on your first blog post
● Encouragement, motivation and support to publish your post
● Where to share your blog posts to attract more readers
Start Date
We'll be starting on Friday 8th September with your first lesson by email.
What a great collaboration. Sounds great