Marketing Musings Podcast with Louise Mason

Marketing Musings Episode 3

Monitor your marketing efforts with Google Analytics

We’re on a roll with day 3 of the daily Marketing Musings. In this episode I share my musings on Google Analytics how you can use insights to make decisions in your business. Plus I give you ONE action to take today that will have an impact on you marketing (hint it has something to do with Google Analytics!)


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Marketing Update 6 Aug

Monday Marketing Update – 6 August 2018

Every Monday I broadcast Live on my Facebook page, or you can catch the replay below, on You Tube or just check out the highlights on Insta TV.

Today there are some exciting updates to discuss as Google rolls out a core update to its search engine ranking algorithm. Plus we are talking about what's new with Google Analytics and the latest Social Media Updates and how they impact your Marketing Strategy.

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