Face to face networking is an important part of my marketing strategy. One of the reasons I’ve been able to serve over 300 people on my mission is because of referrals and speaking opportunities in my network. July and August are busy months for me because I’m running Social Media Summer School every Thursday which means I am being laser focused on where I spend my time networking.
This is where you can find me in July

Wednesday 12th July Give Back Works
Lunchtime networking at the quirky Sidings restaurant in Shipton over delicious Mediterranean lunch. You can join me as a guest for just £7 to cover the cost of lunch and get to know this friendly bunch of local businesses. Contact me if you’d like to attend as my guest.
Wednesday 26th July Give Back Works
The evening meeting is being held at Kuda nightclub this month, although the focus of the evening will be round the table networking not dancing on tables! Contact me if you’d like to attend as my guest.
Other commitments mean I am missing out on the following networking events which I usually attend.
Networking Every Wednesday run by Natural Entrepreneurs Workspace
Networking Every Wednesday has been running for a couple of months now. And just like it 'says on the tin' it is on every Wednesday at The Natural Entrepreneurs Workspace. There have been some interesting guest speakers and the format changes every week. So if you are looking for an intimate networking event with a focus on building relationships and supporting each other in our businesses then this is worth checking out.
Register here
Wednesday 19th July Networking Meet Up with Afternoon Tea run by Tailormade Conferences
Networking with afternoon tea usually gets my vote because of my love for cake. This month's guest speaker is David Grabowski, Founder and Managing Director of Stonegate Medical Clinic talking about "Health in the Workplace" Click here for more details
And mainly I'll be running Social Media Summer School workshops as outlined below.